
#mybellroy @thes0larbear with @repostapp.・・・@bellroy #mybellroy This is the daily, @bellroy #cardsleeve is the go to now that I am carrying the #iphone6plus, #MacBookAir and #iPad do the heavy lifting from 9-5. #olloclip #shoulderpods1 and a #ultrapod2 as

r.claiton posted a photo:

#mybellroy @thes0larbear with @repostapp.・・・@bellroy #mybellroy This is the daily, @bellroy #cardsleeve is the go to now that I am carrying the #iphone6plus, #MacBookAir and #iPad do the heavy lifting from 9-5. #olloclip #shoulderpods1 and a #ultrapod2 as

by bellroy ift.tt/1yhCM7p

from Uploads from everyone

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